
Posts Tagged ‘flow through life elegantly and gracefully’

Arielette, is a patient soul, she has been following and guiding my willfull desires and motivations for decades now.  What I find as I reflect on my life and the choices I have made is that first, I have learned a tremendous depth of understanding through writing, reflecting and studying models that offer some explanations of what is going on in one’s psyche.  However, Arielette is not just one part of who I am, she is soul, she is connected fully to Source Energy.  She is not simply my personality, nor is she, just my body, or just my mind.  Arielette is the blueprint of all my potential.  She is there is guide me and to navigate my choices in the direction of our intention for my life.  She and I are very much the same and yet, I can make choices that lead through the mud holes, the rocky places, the desert and over mountains.  Arielette will then navigate and guide my direction toward the destination of my achieving my greatest potential.  I know there is much more for me to achieve.  I also know that the choices I have made have taken me on journeys that went round and about before arriving at the destination to achieving my potential.  This I believe is the path many of us humans take in our lives.  We really have no awareness and we are not taught the way our choices lead us toward, away or around our achievements.  But someway and in a certain time, we find our way back where we started and we know ourselves again as we vaguely knew as a hint or a glint in our childhood.   My life has been a wonderful adventure and truly I don’t regret any of it.  But having said that mainly because I feel gratitude, joy and love for all the people who shared in my experiences and for all the deep knowing I have gained from my life,  I also know that the person I am now becoming is one who is fully present and clearly visible in the now, this present moment.   I wonder what I could have already achieved, accomplished, had I been aware enough to approach my life with a plan, with greater clarity of intention and a closer connection to my soul early on in my life.   I feel truly fortunate to have had opportunities to learn knowledge, to experience the results of my actions and to explore new behaviors when I saw that some behaviors did not produce the result I truly desired.  For more that twenty years I worked to help people through therapy to trust themselves to find a path and a means to feel alive, safe and at home in their world.  Slowly I have come to trust myself, to take full responsibility for my life and to desire to share that wisdom with others.  I certainly would not want to stand in the way of anyone living out experiences that bring them an achievement that is desired.  In contrast, sometimes in life, it is truly unnecessary to always take the path less traveled.  Finding one’s own way, alone, is not always the best way to attain the desired result.  Granted though, whatever path, it must walked by one’s own initiative.  But it need not be solo, or on one’s own.  First, one person is never really alone, but we think we are and therefore, we are much more uncertain of where we are or what we are doing.  So working and playing with others is highly recommnended.  Finding a life coach who has the expertise, the experience and the capability and capacity to hold you within the direction of achieving more of your potential in a shortened amount of time is a great asset.  A coach who is able to guide you to learn the steps that allow you to elegantly and gracefully flow through life while living to the fullness your purpose and achieving more and more of your potential is like finding a mirror to your soul.  The more your soul is recognized, called forth and challenged to show you the way of its blueprint, the more you will achieve and the more you will find satisfaction in your life.  Give attention to your soul and call on a coach to guide you in listening to your soul and learning from your soul the keys to your life plan.  Learn to Play Big!  Become the person who is ready to live your dream life; the one who is fully present and clearly visible in the present moment.  There is much personal reflection necessary to resolve the unconscious blocks to success and awaken to a life of higher consciousness.  Arielette

http://www.awarenessofoneness.com  http://www.abridgebeyondcoaching.com

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