
Archive for November, 2007

On the eve of Thanksgiving Day in the midst of preparation and travel to gather with loved ones a pause in the moment of now can bring renewed joy in reviewing all the wonders that we have, do and become each moment.  Gratitude expands our joy and greets filfullment in living.  While Thanksgiving Day reminds of our beginnings in America, it also nudges us awake to the many blessings and gifts of living in the USA and then also to so many joys that make living an extra delight.  No matter the circumstances of your present life, noticing the joyous blessings with gratitude increases the your life’s joyful surprises.  So as you go about the day and into the Thanksgiving Day celebrations tune-in to the still small voice with an open heart and hand, giving thank you’s to those you pass along the way and to all those whom you will pass by and greet in your tomorrows and to all the joys of your yesterdays.  Embrace all your memories with a vision of the value received and an understanding of the love that came your way.  Awaken to notice the still small voice that tugs at your heart to hear its song and beckons to your hand to reach out in greeting to those you meet along your way.  Thankfulness for all the joyof living and growing into the divine presence of your soul brings you closer and closer to living in divine love in oneness in a life of fulfillment.  Enjoy the abundance of love now!  Simply be thankful and give with joy!  Ariellette  Nov. 21, 2007

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